The first thing to note is that the five ‘registered’ axes have lower-case tags ( wght, wdth, ital, slnt, opsz), whereas custom axis tags are always uppercase.
Now that you have all of the available axes, values, defaults, and their corresponding 4-character axis ’tags’-let’s take a look at how to use this information in practice. You’ll then be greeted with a panel of information that shows you everything about the font, size, style, and variation axes right there! You can even change any of those values and see it rendered right in the browser, and if you then click on the ‘changes’ tab, you can easily copy and paste the changed CSS to bring right back into your code. Inspect a text element in the font you’re looking to use, and then click on the ‘fonts’ tab over to the right. Thanks to Jen Simmons and the FF dev tools team, we have some incredible tools to work with web fonts right in the browser. There are lots of fantastic videos on them (like this one and this one), but here’s the short version. If you don’t have access to the font file (if it’s hosted elsewhere, for example), you can still get the information you need simply by using it on a web page and inspecting it with the Firefox developer tools. We’ll need that info as we get into writing our CSS. Take note of the axes, values, and defaults. You even get a type tester and some sliders to let you play around with the different axes. Simply drag-and-drop your font file as directed, and you’ll get a report generated right there showing what features the font has, languages its supports, file size, number of glyphs, and all of the variable axes that font supports, with low/high/default values displayed. If you have the font file and access to the web, go check out Roel Nieskens’ (What Can My Font Do… get it?).

To get all of the specifics of what a font supports, especially for use on the web, you’ll want to do one of two things: check the following website, or download Firefox (or better, do both). Currently that includes recent versions of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, and also recent versions of the popular web/UI design application Sketch. If the application fully supports variable fonts, then you would also be able to manipulate individual axes as you see fit.
If the font has been made correctly, those instances will allow the font to be installed and used in recent versions of Windows and the MacOS just like they always have been. So whatever the typeface designer had in mind for ‘bold condensed’ would simply map to the appropriate points on the variation axes for weight and width.

One of the ways the new format preserves backwards compatibility with other applications that don’t yet explicitly support variable fonts is something called ’named instances’-which are essentially mapped aliases for what used to be separate files. A few are defined as ‘registered’ axes, which are the most common: width, weight, slant, italic, and optical size-but the format is extensible expressly so that designers can define their own custom axes and allow any sort of variation they want to create. Some fonts might only have one axis (weight being the most common), and some may have more. On the web, that means we can load a single file and use CSS to set any axis, anywhere along the allowable range, without any artificial distortion by the browser. See the Pen Variable font, outlined by Jason Pamental ( on CodePen. The type designer can decide which axes to include, and define minimum and maximum values. The variable font format is an evolution of OpenType (the format we’ve all been using for years) that allows a single file to contain all of those previously separate files in a single, highly efficient one. Installing a whole family for desktop use might involve nearly 100 files. Bold in one file, light in another, condensed italic another one yet again.

Introducing OpenType Font Variations (aka ‘variable fonts’)Īs long as I’ve used digital fonts, I’ve had to install separate files for every width, weight, or variant that I want to use. Three years ago, an evolution of the OpenType font format was introduced that changes things in some really remarkable ways. While good type and typography can bring huge benefits to design, readability, and overall experience-include too many fonts and you negatively impact performance and by extension, user experience. And while we’ve had the ability to that now for ten years, we’ve always been constrained by balancing the number of fonts we want to use with the amount of data to be downloaded by the viewer.

Typography has always been a keen interest of mine, long before we were able to use fonts on the web. Everything you thought you knew about fonts just changed (for the better).